Wednesday, April 23, 2008


We have been busy lately. We went as a family ( something that doesn't happen very often) to our Scout Dinner/Auction Friday night. We had a good time. Tyler bid on an hour flight around the area with a pilot in our ward. He and another ward member both wanted this so the bodding went right up until the last second. Tyler won and is excited about that. Trey has a scout campout at Antelope Island this weekend. Trevor is getting ready for the Chalk Art Festival in Bountiful next month. He is trying to decide what he is going to draw. Our driveway should look very colorful for the next few weeks as he pracitices and decides what he will do next month. I will have to take pictures so you can see what it looks like.


Stacy said...

How Fun!!! We are eager for our auction next month to see what kind of fun stuff we can bid on. I got a beautiful crystal chandelier (sp?) last year and it is so beautiful.