Saturday, May 31, 2008

Summer has arrvived!

Today is Trevor's 17th birthday. Happy birthday Trevor! We are proud of you and love you so much. Trevor got his drivers license yesterday and had a party at the house. There were kids everywhere! Tonight he is going to a concert with a few friends.

Yesterday was the last day of school. YEAH! The boys are excited for their summer. Trey had a end of year pool party at a friend's house last night.

I am looking forward to a more relaxed schedule, picnic's in the park, family events and reading this summer. I am sure Paul and the boys will get a lot of fishing in. Today Paul, Tyler and his friend Jared and Trey are at the motocross races. I won tickets from a radio station and I hope they enjoy their day out.


Hardman said...

It is so good to hear from you. That chalk art that Trevor did was awesome!! Looks like your staying busy being off work for the summer, you LUCKY lady. I hope all is going well. can you believe that I have a 3 month old baby? I can't..he is 3 months today..Hope you have a good weekend..